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APT 2021 Conference - Preservation Beyond Politics
Monday, October 25, 2021 to Friday, October 29, 2021
Category: APT Annual Conference



From its founding on July 16, 1790, Washington, DC has been embroiled in political maneuvering, sectional conflicts, and issues of race, national identity, compromise, and power. Its monumental cultural landscapes, vibrant neighborhoods, and varied buildings and structures reflect the history of the United States and the local, national, and international communities who have lived here for over two centuries.

Pierre L’Enfant conceived the first formal plan comprised of grand avenues and public parks, linking civic structures and monuments at the heart of the new Federal City. Set along the banks of the Potomac, L’Enfant planned a system of canals, underscoring the importance of commercial trade and transport within the seat of power. The plan envisioned a national bank, theater, market, and judicial center, uniting culture and commerce with the country’s highest civic functions. The widest of the grand avenues evolved into the nation’s best-known public space, the National Mall. Inspired by the City Beautiful Movement, the 1902 McMillan Plan envisioned the Mall to feature major memorials, museums, and other cultural institutions. Anchored by this monumental core, the city encourages further exploration of its many rowhouse neighborhoods, elaborate embassies, modernist structures, parks, and monuments, encompassing more than fifty historic districts and more than 27,000 protected properties.

We welcome you to APT’s 2021 DC Conference, which will explore the complexities, opportunities, and lessons learned from preserving and reinvesting in this monumental city.

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