South Asia Chapter

The mission of the APT South Asia Chapter (APT-SAC), established in 2019, is to serve the South Asia region through educational and training activities at the local and national level in India, with outreach at the regional level throughout South Asia. This region includes Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.

Many of our members are active in APTI and engage in heritage conservation, historic preservation, and academic and professional collaboration throughout South Asia, the United States, Europe, and Canada. The South Asia Chapter was formed to help share information and ideas across these geographical boundaries and advocate for preservation technology in this vital world region. This chapter will also facilitate the exchange of knowledge among South Asian countries that share commonalities and interconnected histories.

Please write to the chapter at [email protected] to join or for more information or if you have any questions. Please follow APT South Asia Chapter on Facebook and Instagram for updates on chapter activities and to stay in touch.

For additional information about the South Asia Chapter, please visit their website and/or reach out to one of the following Interim Board members:

Khushi Shah - President
Brinda Gaitonde Nayak - Vice President
Michael Tomlan - Treasurer
Vishal Joshi - Social Media Coordinator
Divay Gupta - Advisor


Our Events 


As a part of the WHV 'Ahmedabad: Through the lens of Heritage', an online session is hosted with Ron Anthony as the expert speaker. He will share his experience as a wood scientist and some important understanding of wood as a material with the participants. The program is open to all and free for WHV participants and APT members. Click here for more.

S Asia Chapter Webinar

Khushtar Heritage Collective is hosting the “World Heritage Volunteers 2023 – Working on the Future” campaign, in the framework of the UNESCO World Heritage Education Programme at the Historic City of Ahmadabad, in India. The program titled 'Ahmedabad: Through the Lens of Heritage' is being conducted in partnership with APT as well as other local partners. It is supported by Michael Tomlan. 

The objectives of the workshops are:

  • Raise awareness among young people, volunteers, local communities and concerned authorities of the need to protect and promote World Heritage;
  • Involve young people in World Heritage preservation through concrete projects at sites;
  • Empower young people allowing them to learn skills in basic preservation and conservation technique and raise their capacity as future decision-makers and global active citizens;
  • Strengthen sustainable cooperation between non-profit organizations, site management, communities and authorities;
  • Identify best practices and develop non-formal educational tools to facilitate stakeholders’ participation in World Heritage education;