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APT DC Chapter - Virtual Lecture: William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building Masonry Rehabilitation
Thursday, June 04, 2020, 6:30 PM - 7:45 PM EDT
Category: APT Chapter Event

APT Washington Chapter is pleased to announce the following event:

Virtual Lecture: William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building Masonry Rehabilitation

Thursday, June 04, 2020
6:30 PM ET - 7:45 PM ET
Google Meet Webinar

Please join us for a virtual lecture on the William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building Masonry Rehabilitation of the Hemicycle, formerly known as Delano & Aldrich's 1934 Post Office Building. The William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building is a complex of historic buildings that currently serves at the headquarters of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This virtual lecture will touch upon the stone and metal conservation with a focus on project management, theory, and implementation of repairs.

Lecture will be presented by Ana Gemma de la Fuente and Lynn Scott Paden, cofounders and principals of Citadel DCA. Founded as Paden de la Fuente in 1992, Citadel DCA is an architecture and design firm in Washington, D.C. with a special focus on planning, preservation, and heritage conservation. Over the past six years, Citadel has overseen rehabilitation and restoration projects for many of Washington’s most important historic sites including Blair House, the Old Post Office and the United States Department of Agriculture’s campus on the National Mall.

1 LU/HSW has been requested from AIA for this event.



Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions.